We questioned our Kickstarter backers about their running habits and discovered a wealth of specific information about carrying small personal items during short runs.
252 backers from 29 countries were kind enough to answer our survey.
Whether you live in Melbourne Australia or Melbourne Florida, runners share strong similarities. A runner in Singapore or a runner in Sao Paulo, both training for a 10K have the same needs. They are often running in the same shoes (thank you globalization) and have roughly access to the same tools.
On our sample, a little more than half consider themselves Casual Joggers when slightly less than half consider themselves Experienced. We can conclude that FITLY basically caters to both experienced and not as experienced runners.
When asked how many time they go out for a run, only 16% checked “Once or twice a month”. The majority of runners belong to the “once to twice a week” category and less than a third is running just about every day. These results are enlightening. To the Kickstarter crowd, FITLY has not convinced the “very casual runner” and gathered more support from people making running part of their lives.
And then came the question: what do you take with you when going for a run? We knew from experience what we could expect but to which extent? We are all surrounded by friends with strong opinions. “I never go out without my [fill in the blank]”. After interviewing several hundred people, I am reminded how strong-minded runners are. This is why actual statistics from a qualified audience is a powerful argument settler. More than 9 runners out of 10 run with their cell phone, quite a staggering number. The top 4 items are a cell phone, keys, money, and ID. Cell phones reached 94% with casual runners!
Here are the results split between casual and experienced runners:
The list of “1% or less” is significant. From 250 answers, we could at least tally 40 different items: lamp, bear spray, hand sanitizer, Epipen, knife, toilet paper, sunglasses, Ipod, Icyhot, key fob, chapstick, scarf, gloves, gopro, asthma inhaler, paper map, documents, public transportation card, and many more! We all have our needs. Same activity, 40+ different ones.
Have a FITLY day!
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